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Home Evaluation

Need to Know the Value of Your Home?

We’re local market experts. We would be happy to help! Submit your address, contact information and the type of service you are looking for and we’ll provide you with a complimentary and confidential evaluation of your home.   

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We’ll analyze your home against comparable properties in your neighbourhood and determine your home’s true market value and optimal selling price in today’s current market.

In completing your home evaluation, we’ll consider the age and condition of your home, your location, the size and style of your home as well as recent upgrades, renovations and special features that separate your home from your competition. Based on our analysis, we’ll then determine an asking price for your home that reflects its true market value to sell for the best possible price in the least amount of time.

We offer this service in two ways. We can provide a quick evaluation based on the most current market information or a more detailed, in-home evaluation.

Start Your Next Chapter

Selling a home full of memories isn’t easy – but at least the selling part can be. Let our full-service, dedicated team help you make your move.

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